Wacky weather and butterflies!

What a wacky week weather wise! The preschoolers were melting like popsicles Monday through Wednesday and wearing coats Thursday and Friday! Overall we have had a great week getting outside and enjoying whatever weather we encountered! We released two more butterflies from our tank and picked the pumpkins out of our garden. We can't wait to explore and do fun activities with the pumpkins next week. 
Both preschool rooms have been working on counting and shapes, as well as learning some fun new songs at Morning Meeting. (Be sure to ask your preschooler to teach you what song they have been working on at circle, they are becoming such pros at them!) Also, this week we had our first Fire drill. The preschoolers all did an amazing job listening and following directions. Great job!

Doing some counting at snack time.

Following some "directions" on how to make a train track.

Going for a ride in the van!

Checking in on our Morning Message board.

Playing in the leaves on a hot and sticky day!

Some Reminders!!
* Thursday October 5th is the preschools first field trip to Riverview Farm! We will be leaving school around 8:30 and we will be returning to school around lunch time (11:30ish). ** still a 1:45 pick up day** :) If you have not signed up, please do so ASAP!

*October 9th - No school. This is a teacher in-service day.


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