
Showing posts from February, 2022

Science and Literacy

  Science and Literacy We've spent the last several days experimenting with magnets and racing magnet cars.  The kids figured out through trial and error how to move the cars without touching them.  They experimented with the magnets and learned what kinds of materials are magnetic and which aren't. We also "fished" for magnetic letters and practiced writing the letters on white boards.  
 Cooking for Valentines Day We had a great time getting messy while making cookies.  We took turns measuring, mixing (counting to 20 for each turn), rolling and cutting out hearts.  We'll decorate the cookies on Monday for our Valentine's Day treat.  Thanks to everyone who brought in cookie mix, frosting, toppings, eggs, and butter.  That was a huge help.

Ice Xylophone

 Ice Xylophone Thanks to our music teacher, Mr. Dylan, the preschoolers got to see and (more importantly) hear an ice xylophone.  Mr. Dylan talked about how he made the xylophone and why the different sized ice blocks made different sounds.  It was a fun way to learn a bit about sound and music.


RAMPS Science comes in many forms and our preschoolers learn through play. By building, testing, modifying, and retesting they begin to learn how the world works.  In this case, the preschoolers built ramps and rolled balls of various weights down the ramps, hoping to get the ball to the finish.  When the balls didn't make it to the end, they changed their design and tried again.  They learned that balls of different weights roll at different speed, steeper ramps made the balls roll faster and much more. Frequently, the ball didn't make it to the end, but... they kept adjusting the design and trying again.  Success put smiles on their faces and frequently brought cheers to the groups working on the ramps.