Meet the Preschool Staff!

Mrs. Nichols

Both my husband, Scott, and I grew up in the area and moved back after living in Alaska for two years after college.  We have two kids: a 21 year old daughter named Casey who attends college in Massachusetts and occasionally substitutes in the preschool and a 19 year old son who is on the US National Nordic Combined Ski Team (ski jumping and cross country skiing).  He typically trains in Park City and travels throughout Europe competing internationally.  You may, however, see him in the preschool as he is having ankle surgery and wants to substitute until he is able to train full time again.

I have worked in schools since 1989 in a variety of rolls: special education assistant, special education teacher; 2nd grade teacher, 4th grade teacher, and early childhood educator.  Over the past 30+ years, I’ve taught in New York, Alaska, New Hampshire and Vermont.  This is my 9th year teaching in the Westshire Preschool.

When I’m not working, I love cross country skiing, biking, running, hiking and spending time with my family and friends.

“Grandma Joan”

Grandma Joan is a biological grandma of 5 kids (ranging from 18 to 27 years old), but an acting grandma to many, many more.  In her pre-children days, she taught first grade for several years.  Since then she has raised 3 children and spent her time driving us (my brother, sister and me) to soccer games, skiing races, and many other adventures. She’s involved in various community programs such as the Lion’s Club and PEO, but has a special place in her heart for young children.  

Julie McNally

My name is Julie McNally.  I live in East Thetford with my two daughters, Mallory and Peyton.  I enjoy cooking, BBQing, being outdoors and watching football.  We have a cat named Annie, a Guinea Pig named Prince, a hamster named Clover, and last but not least, a goldfish named Stanley.  I have been an early childhood educator for the past 24 years.

Sarah Wright

I grew up in Vershire and moved away for college and work.  My husband, Peter and I moved back to Vershire 17 years ago to raise our family and support my mom and her business: the Vershire Riding School.  Peter and I have two boys who both attend Rivendell.  Daniel is in 4th grade at Westshire and Gabriel is in 11th grade at the Academy.

I have been working in Early childhood for 30 years.  I started as a Waldorf  teacher in NYC, Shelburne and Chelsea, VT.Then I started a Nature Based EC program from our horse farm: The Little Red Riding School.  Prior to working at Westshire, I was the EC Director at Orange County Parent Child Center.  I started working in the preschool at Westshire this year.

I love gardening, music and nature.

Jill Buffum
EEE Coordinator


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