Reading away!

This week the preschoolers not only had one special reader come to visit but two! Mr. Foxall the principle at SME came visited our school on Tuesday for the principle swap and read the classic book Corduroy. Then on Thursday, Mrs. MacQueen came in and read her funny Pete the Cat books we love! The preschooler enjoy being read to and want to Thank our two special guest readers for coming in and spending some time with us! Also, on Thursday Play-group hosted by the OCCC started up again. This is when members of the surrounding communities or future preschool students come and hang out with us in the gym from 9-11. This allows new families to get to know the school, the teachers, and see some of the fun activities we do here at the Westshire Preschool. If you know of anyone in the West Fairlee or Vershire area with kiddos that are around the 2-3 year old mark we would love to have them join!

**Some Important Reminders**

-Friday November 3rd there is No School. Parent Teacher Conferences will be held that day. Sign up sheets will be posted next week.
-Friday November 10th is Veterans Day. There is no school.
-Picture Re-take day is November 15th.
- Thanksgiving break starts on the 22nd.


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