
On Thursday we had a special treat of having baby bunnies come and visit the preschoolers. We enjoyed petting them and asking questions like, "where is their mommy?" and "what do they eat?".  We were all so excited to have them visit! Thank you Kyle and Katelyn Scovel for bringing them in and sharing them with us for the afternoon!

Gentle touches!

We hope everyone had a nice Halloween. The students were very excited to tell us about their exciting night and how much candy they all got. Sounds like everyone had a great time!

Happy Birthday to Cooper who turns 5 today! :)

**Some Important Reminders**

             - There is No school on Friday November 10th for Veterans D   
-Picture Re-takes are Wednesday November 15th.
             -Harvest Pie Social is Thursday November 16th from 5:00- 6:00pm.
                                -Wednesday November 22nd is an early dismissal day at 1:00. We will be closed for Thanksgiving Break the 23rd and the 24th.


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