Happy Birthday to Kaleb!

Happy Birthday to Kaleb! 
On Thursday he joined the 5's club! Thanks for sharing some yummy treats for your big day!

Eating some yummy cupcakes!

This week in preschool we did some switching of classrooms between Mrs. Nichols class and Mrs. Leonard's. With all the ice outside, we have not been able to go out that much and enjoy the outdoors. We spent our normal recess time by going to the gym and exploring the different classroom spaces. Although we love going outside, it was fun to try something different! Hopefully we get some snow or warmer temps for next week!

Some strong construction workers!

**Some Important Reminders!**

- We try and go to the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays, boots are not ideal for running or riding the bikes with. Please have a pair of good running shoes available for your preschooler on those days so they can enjoy the gym to the fullest!

-Returning parents for next year, please fill out the sheet indicating what days/ times your preschooler will be attending next year by February 1st!. Also if you know anyone that has a 3 year old that will be 3 before September 1st, plase spread the word about our wonderful Westshire Preschool! Enrollment for new students is now open!

-The stomach bug has sadly hit the preschool. :( Please be sure to have your preschooler wash their hands upon arrival. Also please take home water-bottles and bedding to be washed at the end of each week. Thank you!

-Winter break starts Monday, February 19-23rd!


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