Spring has Sprung!!

What a great weather week! The Preschoolers loved being outside and enjoying some warm weather and sunshine! On our playground we have a nice water "hole/pond" where all the ice and snow melt has collected. The preschoolers have really enjoyed scooping the water out with their shovels, rakes, and even hands! They have also gone fishing and said there were monsters lurking below! Eek! 
As the snow melts more today and this weekend, we cant wait to see what the pond will have in it next week!


This week the preschoolers did some Easter activities with water colors and paints. We were all pretty excited for the Easter bunny to come this weekend. Also thanks to Cooper for a very interactive share! He brought in a special craft to make baby chicks and bunnies for the class! Thank you!

Both classrooms have been working hard on writing our names and letters that our special to us. Some fun ways we have been practicing our writing is on white boards. We love writing a bunch and  then wipe it away! Everyone is doing a great job and trying very hard!

Hope everyone has a nice long weekend and Easter! We will see you Monday!

*Some Important Reminders*

*Please fill out the sign in/out sheet. We have noticed some parents are forgetting to complete this in the morning and even in the afternoon. We need this for licensing regulations and for safety and staffing.

*Please also fill out Breakfast/lunch tickets for the week if your student is interested. Recently we have a influx of students wanting breakfast and not having the right number to pass along to the cook. It would be super helpful for us to be prepared in the morning! Thank you!

*Spring break is the week of April 16th- 20th.


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