Wonderful Weather and Happy Birthday to Lili!

This week the Preschoolers have been in great spirits will all this nice weather we have had! We are sure loving being outside and exploring both playgrounds and around the school!

We kicked off the week with some flower play in our sensory table as well as some spring books to look at. On Thursday we went for a long nature walk around the school grounds to look for signs of spring! We collected a lot special things we found. Be sure to ask your preschooler about all the signs of spring we found on our adventure! :)

Both classrooms also did some fun art with marble painting. We really enjoy shaking the box and seeing what happens to our piece of paper that is inside!

Catching up on some other art projects! We love to color and use tape!

On Wednesday we had a great day outdoors! We spent most of the morning playing outside in the tents and with the bikes from the gym! We also played zoom ball with Mrs. Finley and colored with chalk. We had a wonderful morning and were ready for rest time later that day!

And lastly, Happy Birthday to Lili! She is joining our 5's club on Saturday and we want to wish her a very happy birthday! :)

*Important reminders*
-With warmer weather and more sunny days in sight we want to remind parents to please apply sun screen prior to coming to school. We also ask that water bottles be brought every day. We will be spending a lot of time outside and want to make sure everyone is protected and hydrated!
Thank you!

-Thursday, May 10th is our field trip to the Hartford Police and Fire department. Please bring your preschoolers lunch with you, we will be stopping after at Watson Park in Hartford for a picnic lunch with the whole group. If rain is in the forecast that day, we will have lunch back at school. Please make sure that you sign up ASAP or let your preschoolers teacher know if you are able to go or not so we can help find your student a ride if need be!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! The weather looks nice! :)



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