ROCKS celebration!

Preschools ROCKS celebration was a huge hit! We had such a fun day playing outside in the morning, sprinklers and kiddie pool play in the afternoon, and face painting and ice cream sandwiches to top off the already amazing day! We were so excited that the weather turned around so we could celebrate! Thank you to all the parents that brought in sprinklers, pools, other things to make our day so special! :)

**Important Reminders**
-Our end of the year Celebration is on Thursday June 14th at 5:00pm for set up. Please sign up if you have not already in your home room class for what you and your preschooler would like to bring to the potluck!
- Last day of After-School is Thursday, June 14th.
-Last day of school is Monday, June 18th at 1:00pm.


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