Welcome! Welcome!

Welcome new and returning Preschool families to the "Adventures in Westshire Preschool" blog!
We are so excited to be back at school and to kick off an exciting and fun year of Pre-K. The blog is a great resource for checking on upcoming events, important information, and any schedule or event changes that might pop up in Preschool. The blog gives families a sneak peek into all the adventures the preschoolers have during the week. We hope you enjoy it!
 This week the preschoolers have been so busy learning new names, remembering and learning routines, and exploring their classroom spaces. Everyone is settling in very nicely! We also celebrated 3 birthdays this past week! Happy birthday to Kiara and Sawyer who turned 4, and Alyssa who turned 5. We hope you all had a great day!
We have enjoyed our new sandbox and new sand a lot this week! It has felt like we have been at the beach the last few days with warm weather and sunshine!

Both classrooms have been exploring play-dough and some painting activities that past few day. 





**Important Reminders**
-Our first Parent Steering Committee is on Thursday, September 13th at Samuel Morey at 6pm. Hope to see you there!










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