Busy little Preschoolers!

What a busy week the preschoolers had! We started off the week making a special craft with Henry Atticus's nana. She read the story Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree and how he shared the Christmas spirit just by cutting off the top of his Christmas tree! After the story, we got to make our very own Christmas trees that are now display in our classrooms. They make our classrooms so festive!

Later on in the week we had our special Holiday craft day! This is the day when the preschoolers go to the art room and do some fun crafts with our parent volunteers. We made gingerbread houses, cards, frames, candle holders, and a fun popcorn bags that looked like an owl! The preschoolers really enjoyed the whole day and all the unique crafts. Thanks to all the parent volunteers, people that donated materials, and staff that helped make the day a complete success! :)

Later on in the week, the preschoolers explored animal tracks in snow as well balls and ramps! We made some pretty amazing ramps and tested how we could get the balls or spinners into the containers.

**Important Reminders**

- Holiday break is from Dec. 24th- Jan 2nd!

Have a great weekend!


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