So much fun snow!!

This week the preschoolers have been enjoying the wonderful new snow we got on Wednesday! They shoveled, sled, and made paths with their feet around the playground! With this new and fun snow, it has also sparked some fun snow activities that we have been doing inside during our free play times.

We built snowflakes with rubber bands and geo-boards!

We played with animals in snow!

And we made some of our own snowy owls!

We sure have been busy with snow and lots of other fun things!

**Important Reminders**

- Parents please remember to fill out the weekly breakfast and lunch sign ups on Monday. It is VERY helpful to know before hand who will be getting a meal so there is no confusion or tears come lunchtime. Also, please let your homeroom teachers know if your preschooler will be getting a lunch milk daily.

- No school on Monday Jan. 21 to observe MLK day.

-February Break is the week of the 18th-22nd!


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