
Showing posts from February, 2019

Colorful week!

  Another wacky weather week for sure! Between delays, warm ups, and cool downs the preschoolers have been having a great time! This week we made some fun pink, red, and purple colored rice to decorate our sensory table with for Valentines day. We got to see the rice magically turn colors when we shook it in bags! We couldn't wait for it to dry so we could play with it! Mrs. Ashley also did a fun project with the rainbow. First she read the book "A Rainbow of my Own" and then the preschoolers got to create their very own rainbow out of footloops! (We had to taste test before we started the project!) **Important Reminders** -Valentine's Day is this coming Thursday! Please check your student's mail box for a list of both classes names and spellings if you are interested in making Valentines for next week! - February Break is the week of the 18th!

Happy February!!

Happy February! What a crazy week it has been in preschool. We have had a lot of preschoolers and teachers out sick with various versions of the flu or head cold. Hopefully everyone is on the mend and we will all be back next week happy, healthy, and ready to learn! **Reminder that students need to be fever and medicine free for 24hrs before returning to school. Also, if your student can not participate fully in the daily routine, they are not well enough to be in school.** Thank you!   To spice up the week, we had some fun balls and ramps and color mixing in Mrs. Nichols room, and construction and musical instruments in Mrs. L's room. It has been to cold for the preschoolers to venture outside, but we have stayed busy and warm building and making lovely music. We have also been very lucky to have some fun gym time as well. We do obstacle courses, ride bikes/scooters, and roll & tumble on mats! Valentine's ar...