Great week back!

What a great and busy week back after Spring break! The preschoolers have been outside a lot  enjoying the beautiful weather we have had this week, and also celebrating that we do not have to wear snow gear anymore!! yay Spring is finally here!! As a reminder please send in layers for your preschooler. We know that days are warming up, but the mornings have still been crisp and cool and we still need coats or a sweatshirt to play comfortably outside. Thank you!

 On Thursday we had Missy, Henry Atticus's mom come in and help us celebrate Earth day by creating our own interpretation of the planet Earth. We read the story Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers. The story explained how we need to take care of our planet and how we need be kind to one another. We really enjoyed talking and planning out what our Earth would look like. They all came out absolutely beautiful!

To end the week, we had a fun pajama/stuffy day along with the movie Mulan. Sadly our field trip was canceled due to the rain on Friday, but we will be rescheduling for a nicer day to explore the Mountain School and their farm! Stay tuned for make-up date!
Also please welcome Haley to our preschool family! She joined us on Monday and will be with us for the rest of the year and next! Welcome Haley!

**Important Reminders**
-Field trip to the Mountain School will be rescheduled soon. Stay tuned for the date!
-Monday May 27th there is no school to observe Memorial Day.


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