Mountain School Field Trip

The preschoolers had a wet and cold spring field trip to the Mountain School on Friday. Even with the not so ideal weather, the preschoolers did a great job and seemed to have fun exploring the Mountain School campus as well as the baby animals!  A big thank you to Sam, Makenna, and Missy for touring us around and showing us what makes the Mountain School special. Thank you so much!

**Important Reminders**

Please remember that your preschooler needs to still have a light jacket or sweatshirt. Even though it is supposed to be a lot warmer, cool weather has been hanging around and making morning recess chilly!

-Wednesday May 15th, the preschoolers are going on their walking field trip to the West Fairlee Library. Stay tuned for a notice/information.

-No School May 27th to observe Memorial Day.

- Save the Date!!! The preschool end of the year celebration is Tuesday June 18th at 5:30!


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