Finally some warm weather... or not

Thank you to all of you who are trying so hard to keep your kids busy and happy.


Nice job writing your name, and I love the scary ROAR!


What a beautiful hike.  Despite the difficult times, we sure are lucky to live in a place where we can take walks like this one.


A. cruses around her deck and even kicks a soccer ball around.  Way to stay active!

A little painting, a little cruising in a convertible and then time with the chicks. Now that's some fun!

L. works on learning her letters.  Nice work!

Two sunbathing beauties!  Oh, isn't it nice when we have warm weather.  It makes the Stay at Home orders tolerable.

Fun in the sun for M.

Why weren't those fun window markers available when I was a kid?

A snack and then some hard work cutting and placing snakes in order of length.


K. has fun on the farm saying HI to the animals.

C. takes a walk with his family and looks for fiddle head ferns.

Small little pup!

H. and her sister swing high!

A. has a ton of fun outside.

Wow! A fun science experiment!

That's a cool looking fruit!  Watch out for the Queen or she might put a spell on you.

N. is ready to defend his house.  I love his creative sword sheath.


J. and her brother picked some flowers and did some yoga via Zoom with their grandma.

J.'s wildlife museum!

J. works on her balance on the slack line.

A tea party with stuffies.

C. plays football.

Love the costume C!

C and his family get outside and have a good time exploring the wildlife.

M. goes for a bike ride!

A cool egg experiment for M and her brother.

M. does some of the assignments from our work bags.

Nice artwork M.  Your pandas are both way better then anything I could do.


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