A Visit from VINS


We had an educator from VINS come today to talk about raptors and show us three different bird.  The preschoolers were amazing listeners and learned all sorts of facts about raptors.  Ask your preschoolers what they remember from the visit.

Some facts we learned:

Raptor are meet eaters.  Meet eaters are carnivores.  Owls hunt at night.  Animals who are awake at night are nocturnal. Owl wings don't make noise, so they can sneak up on prey when they hunt.  Owl eyes take up 2/3 of their head. birds have 10-25 bones in their neck versus our 7.

Ithaca - a red shouldered hawk

Pre-K through 2nd grade watching the VINS show.


The preschoolers paying close attention to the presenter.

Eastern Screech Owl


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