A Special Lesson from VINS

A Special Lesson from VINS

Last week, Hannah, an educator from VINS, visited our classroom for the second time this year and taught the students about the 5 senses.  Hannah has a wonderful way of bringing music and excitement into the classroom.  Through animal puppets, she talked about hearing, smelling, seeing, tasting, and feeling.  The class learned how all of these senses are important to animals and their survival.  In addition to songs and several short puppet shows, Hannah had several activities for the student to do that helped them understand more about the 5 senses and animal survival.



After talking about owls and the senses they use to hunt, the students were allowed to see and feel a real owl claw and owl wing.





We played a game where the students put their hands into three different cans which they couldn't see inside of and then had to describe and guess what was in each can.

The students were then each given their own card with a different texture on it and asked to explore the room to see if they could find something that had a similar texture to their card.

Seeing (camouflage)

Hannah then taught the students about camouflage and why it is important for animals.  Each student was given a piece of patterned paper and two paper cameleons to hide on their papers.  When you check out the pictures, you can tell that the kids did a great job because you can hardly see their paper cameleons.



After a puppet show about owls' hearing, the students were given a film container with something in it (either sand, beans, or pennies).  Three teachers were given a container with one of the substances in it and told to stand in different areas in the classroom. Then the students had to shake their own container, listen carefully, and then go to each teacher and listen to the teacher shake their container in order to find the teacher whose container sounded the same as theirs.




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