VINS Ramps (November) and Water & Ice (February)
In November, Hannah from VINS, returned and taught a lesson about ramps. Then the students were set free to experiment. How can they make a ball go faster or slower? How can they make it go farther? Do all balls roll at the same speed? Through trial and error, the kids worked together to try and figure out answers to the questions they had.
Water and Ice
Yesterday, Hannah came for the third time this year. We started with an experiment- guessing (or hypothesizing) what would happen when several drops of blue food coloring were dropped into water. Would the same thing happen when the blue dye was dropped in ice? Something different? Would a large chunk of ice or a small ice cube melt quicker?
The kids were fascinated with the group experiments and then had time to do some experimenting on their own.
We also learned a bit about some fish and other water animals who live in Vermont, and the kids were given time to play in water with various containers and tools, colored ice cubes, and plastic fish. We had a ball!
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