Preschool in the Holiday Spirit!

As the holiday season approaches, the preschoolers can feel the excitement in the air! We have been busy with fun guests, special activities, and holiday crafts! Next Tuesday, the preschoolers will be doing their smaller version of "art from the heart" with some volunteers in the Art room! Be on the look out for some beautiful and creative holiday surprises coming your way! 
If you would like to help in anyway with either volunteering time or making a donation for that day please touch base with either Mrs. Nichols or Mrs. L. 
We would love to have you!

Building some towers for Santa's elves!

Snowflake art!
Some fun snuggles with Mrs. Nichols after a good book!

Also, with all this craziness the past few weeks we forgot to wish Leah a very Happy 4th birthday!
We hope you had a great day Leah! :)

As the cold starts to creep in, we really ask families to please send in layers and snow-pants. Although we do not have a ton of snow, snow pants really save on our normal pants from getting wet and yucky. Also extra pairs of mittens are always the best!
((PLEASE put your preschoolers name on everything!!!!))

*Some important reminders*

-Winter break starts on Friday, December 22nd. We will be closed until Jan. 2nd!


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