Welcome back!

Welcome back and Happy Arbor Day!

We hope everyone had a nice and relaxing spring break! Although the weather was not so spring like, the preschoolers have been enjoying the warmer temperatures and rain showers this week! yay spring!

Today the preschool celebrated Arbor Day by doing some fine motor painting with q-tips. We painted the earth and talked about why it is important to protect our trees and our planet. Next in our celebration plans, we plan on planting some beautiful saplings donated to us! We are still deciding where they will be planted so future preschoolers can enjoy them! (Thanks Cooper!)

This week both classrooms have started working on shape wind chimes. The students have to find matching shapes and then tape them onto a piece of string. This has really helped students get to know their shapes as well as use our favorite... tape! Check out their awesome 3-D Art in the classrooms soon!

 On one of the rainy days this week Mrs. L's class made some brand new play dough! Everyone did a great job helping and taking turns adding the ingredients. They have really enjoyed their green "grass" play dough!

Mrs. Nichols class has been hard at work making bridges with all different types of blocks. They are using some of the wooden ones as well as duplos. They have come up with some great and creative ideas!

And finally we have really enjoyed being outside soaking up some of the nicer weather we have had in along time! We are all ready for some more sunny days!

**Important Reminders**

-The field trip to the Hartford Police and Fire department is on Thursday, May 10th. Please sign up in our classroom to let your teachers know if your preschooler will be attending!

-There is No school on Monday, May 28th for Memorial Day.


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