
April Showers bring May flowers!
The preschoolers this week did some switching of classrooms due to the rain and yucky weather we have had the past few days. The preschoolers got to explore and spend some time in the opposite classroom with different teachers. Each class had a great time playing with all the new toys and materials each room has to offer. 

One of the fun activities we have had this week is playing with water beads or "orb beads"! They are slimy, bouncy, and super fun to scoop and pour!

Some other projects we did is Tractors in the "mud". The preschoolers love seeing all the different tracks the tires make in the very colorful mud.

An egg-cellent dinner! :)

*Important Reminders*

-Spring break is the week of April 16th to the 20th.
-The Spring Field trip will be to the Hartford Police and Fire Department is on Thursday, May 10th. (See info in your preschoolers mailbox.)


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