Halloween is just around the corner...

With Halloween just around the corner the Preschoolers have been doing a lot of fun activities to keep our bodies and minds moving!

On Wednesday, we got to play in the gym and try out the new bikes and ride-ons! We always enjoy our time in the gym!

In both classrooms the preschoolers have been doing some spooky crafts, from making pumpkin faces, bats, painting pumpkins, and silly little monsters. We made some great stories about our monsters that we are so excited to share with you!

**Important Reminders**

-Picture re-take day is Tuesday Oct. 30th.

-If you have not signed up for a conference time, please do so! Parent Teacher conference day is Friday Nov. 2nd. There will be no school that day as well.

- No school on Monday Nov. 12th to observe Veteran's day.

-Preschool's Harvest Celebration will be on Tuesday Nov. 13th at 5:15-ish. More info will be provided next week!


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