Snooww much fun!

What a special treat we had last week! The preschoolers were so excited about the sneak peek of winter we had with the small amount of snow we got. They made snow balls and tiny snow people. We also tried to slide down the hill but realized we need a little bit  more snow for that!
 We were definitely super excited and couldn't wait for more snow to come!

The preschoolers also did some fun activities in both classrooms this week. We did some do-a-dot art in Mrs. L's room and making witches in Mrs. Nichols class. Check out our art work on the bulletin board outside the classrooms!

**Important Reminders**

-No School on Friday Nov. 2nd. This is parent teacher conferences, please be on the look out for the sign up sheet for available times that day. If there is no times that work with your schedule please chat with your homeroom teacher about other available times.

-There is No school on Monday Nov. 12th to observe Veteran's day.

- Tuesday Nov.13th is our Harvest celebration after school. Stay tuned for information and a sign up sheet on the celebration!



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