Snooowww much fun!

The weather has been crazy again this week with snow, rain, and wind, but that does not bother the preschoolers! They have been having fun doing some fun wintery crafts inside as well as playing in the new snow we have outside!

We made some great snow people and reindeer with playdough!

We also made some beautiful snowflakes to decorate our windows with!

The preschoolers also played in the "snow" with some animals they might see out their windows at home or at school. 
We have been noticing some turkey tracks on our playground and has sparked a lot of questions: where do they live, what do they eat, and where do they sleep?

And of course Ruby snuggles and marbles are always a hit!

**Important Reminders!**
- Our annual holiday craft day is this coming Tuesday Dec. 4th! If you have time available that day to help us make some crafts that would be greatly appreciated! Please sign up in your home room for a specific craft you are interested in! Thank you!

-Also a reminder to please pack extra mittens and clothes for your preschooler. Lately the snow has been super wet and soaking through our outdoor gear and making our clothes wet and our hands cold!

- The holiday break is the week of the 24th through the 2nd!



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