Winter is here!!

Wowee! What a crazy weather week we had, and it isn't even technically winter yet! Yikes! Hopefully, this doesn't mean we are in for a doozey of a winter ahead. *knock on wood!*

 However, the preschoolers have really enjoyed the snow we got the past few days! We have been sledding, shoveling, and finding ice patches and pieces at recess. We have also been doing some fun Thanksgiving crafts and getting ready for our Pizza Pie celebration. We hope to see everyone this Tuesday night! :)
*If you are unable to attend the Pizza Pie Party, please let your homeroom teacher know!*

Turkeys everywhere!!

Same same match match!!

**Important Reminders!**

-This Tuesday, November 20th is our Pizza Pie Party! We hope to see everyone there and thank you for your flexibility with it being rescheduled! Hopefully we do not have to worry about any snow this time around.

- Students have an early dismissal at 1:00 on Wednesday to start the Thanksgiving break.

-No School on Thursday or Friday.


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