Dinos everywhere!!

This past week the preschoolers wrapped up their 2 week long discovery of dinosaurs and volcanoes with Mrs. Ashley. Preschoolers got to crack their very own "fossil" dinosaur egg and act like paleontologist and discover what type of dinosaur was hidden deep inside the egg. Also, to add to the excitement, the preschoolers got to build their very own volcano with Mrs. Ashley and watch it erupt and spread " red lava" everywhere! Everyone was so amazed every time it erupted!! We sure did learn a lot about Dinosaurs and volcanoes this week!

Cracking open some fossil dinosaur eggs!

 Mrs. Ashley reading about volcanoes before we built our very own!

After some pretty exciting projects, the preschoolers got to do their normal everyday cool things like dressing up and putting on shows! 

**Important Reminders!**

-The spring field trip will be on Friday April 12th at the Mountain School in Vershire, VT. Stay tuned for more information!

-Spring break is the week of April 15th!


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