Pizza week!

Welcome back! We hope that everyone had a nice and restful break! Hopefully Spring and warmer weather is right around the corner! *fingers crossed*

The preschoolers kicked off the week talking about what their favorite type of pizza. We first made some paper pizzas and talked about what toppings we like and don't like. Later on in the week, the preschoolers got to make their very own edible ones! Everyone really enjoyed making their own special pizza and experimenting by trying some new toppings.
And then to end the exciting week back, Mrs. Duvall the music teacher joined us again on Friday! She too is excited for Spring to come and sang some of her favorite baby animal songs with us! We sure do love singing and dancing! :)

Making some paper pizzas after reading the book Pete's Pizza.

Welcome back Mrs. Duvall!

**Important Reminders**

- No School Monday, March 4th.
-No School Friday, March 22nd.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)


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