Fun with Math

Several parents were curious during the conferences to learn how we teach math in preschool.  AS I explained, we immerse the children in math concepts throughout the day.  We talk about shapes, weight, size, numbers, counting and so much more all day long.  We count to 10 or 20 while playing hide and seek.  We count kids at the lunch table and end up sorting animal crackers during snack.  We read books about numbers, adding... and we do art projects with shapes.  In fact, we talk about math concepts so frequently that the children have no idea that they are learning math.

Here are some pictures of some math activities that we've done during circle and choice time.

Shapes and color Bingo:

More Shapes and colors (plus magnets!)...

Sorting by colors



Measuring... The box is ? blocks long.

How many slices of apple are there?


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