Determined to have fun!

Zoom Morning Meetings

             A rain shelter so they can be outside even                        Learning to knit.
                                in bad weather.

              Getting some exercise outside                                  Beads from scratch!
               while learning to ride a scooter.

Outside collecting pine cones and helping rake leaves.

We’ve been planting seeds, doing domino math, painting Big Orange Splot wooden houses, baking, taking Pigeon for walks,  building with blocks! We keep forgetting to take photos bc it’s a lot of work! :) hope you guys are well.

Who needs a play kitchen when you have the real thing. 
Ready to explore!

We had art today. D. wanted to share that he made a caterpillar and named it Miss Laura.


Despite there still being snow on the ground, it’s more fun to play tag barefoot and feel the mushy ground in between our toes!  


Playing Uno with Dad.  Looks to me like H. might be winning.

Mom's little cook!  H. mashes bananas for banana bread,

C. practices writing her name, reads, and helps collect sap for her families second boil of the season.


Checking out early spring                       Billings Farm activity - the bird

Making books with his "classmates"


Sweater and scarves for his dinosaurs

C. and his siblings hike and bike together.  Way to get outside and get some exercise!

C. does a little reading.

M. and her brother get some exercise inside doing yoga!  Margaret helps start the garden.

  A little ramp action for M.  What a great idea!


Sister time!!!

M. rides her bike!  Now that's a happy kid!  Keep it up.


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