Week 4 and Still Going Strong!

Another week and more distant learning is going on.  I have to say, Caitlin and I are so impressed with how hard you all are working to keep your kids engaged and learning.  It is not easy in the best of times keeping preschoolers busy and happy, and these are not the best of times.  You all have a tremendous burden on your shoulders.  I know we have families with one to four kids that you are trying to educate at home and entertain without leaving your houses/property.  I know that many of you parents are trying to work at the same time and balance that on top of being home school teachers and keeping the house going.  And others have lost jobs due to the shutdown and are financially strapped.  Please know that you are doing a great job!  

Cailtin and I will continue to reach out through the Zoom meetings, emails, the Blog, phone calls, and work bags.  Use these resources in any way that they help you get through the day and week.  Do not let preschool activities make life harder!  The great thing about preschool is it is all about learning to live: sharing, talking, listening, eating, walking, playing, reading...  In other words... Preschool is Life.  Everything your child does throughout the day can count as preschool in one way or another, so you're doing it.  The activities we provide are simply to help structure part of your day if that is helpful to you.  

Please keep reaching out and letting us know what your family needs.  Each family is unique and has unique needs.  We can only help support those needs if you let us know what they are.  
Today is a grey, rainy day, but don't let it get you down.  Remember... the rain will help the flowers bloom, the grass turn green and the leaves grow on the trees.  It will also help us appreciate the sun and the warm temperatures when they eventually arrive.  We will make it through this together!

C. plays with moon sand and sorts erasers.

Your name is looking great!


J. practices writing 


H. enjoys her birthday card and shows off her name.

Love the name with sticks M.!

What are you cooking M?

Scavenger Hunt!

Now that looks like fun.  Any polliwogs?

Wow!  That looks like a hard puzzle. 


Love the pictures!  You can draw a bike WAY better than I can.

Tah dah!

Love the flower crown!                     Zoom morning meeting!

The whole family.  Looks like a fun race.   M. works on school work and gets a special snack.

N. helps mom cook.  Always fun to have a helper.

Lucky N. get's to hang with baby lambs.


A multi talented artist.

That looks like a square C.  Nice job!

A fun Easter day!


Love the glasses A.

            Wow!  You can really draw!                               That three wheeler looks like fun!

S and her sister having fun outside.


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