
Showing posts from May, 2020

A Great Week to be Outside!

A. found a newt. J. is hard at work on his school work! C. cruises around on his car and explores the outdoors. An outdoor scavenger hunt and a wade in the brook. Mrs. T. and her rocks are famous! Love the hat M! Special time with Dad. Love those smiles on W. and M. while they run around outside. Fun in the sand! Now that looks like some serious work. Holy Smokes!  That's a lot of books on those eggs.  What a cool experiment! Yum!!! Chilling at the brook.  What a perfect way to enjoy the warm weather. J. explores in the woods and near the water. Nice balance! What did you find there J? S. waters her garden. Looks like you're being super gentle S.  S. and her sister do some measuring. S. and her sister help out around the garden. Fun in the sun!  Looks like M. and her sister have a great place to play when the sun gets too...

Spring is really here!

  A fun day outside with Dad and little sister.   You two are quite the outdoor explorers!   S. pets her chicken and reads to her sister and their babies. Wow!  That's quite the Magnatile building! S. does an art project and helps by washing the mirror. Can you believe that this was taken only a week ago.  Hard to believe when I'm sitting in the 70 degree sun.  Last week I questioned whether we'd ever see the sun and 70 degrees. Woo Hoo! A. cruises around and plays. Hi A!  We miss you! Helmet on and ready to go! Love the new motorcycle.  You look like you're going fast. Happy 5th Birthday L.   H. helps mom plant some flowers and cuts dad's hair.  Nice work!  (Dad has a lot of trust in H.)   H. (blue helmet) and her sister fly around the yard in their new go-cart.  Dad and H. enjoy eating a peanut butter cup s'more.   ...