Playingin the Rain!


Playing in the Rain!

We had a ton of fun last week!  As I explained at the open house, we go out rain or shine. Tuesday's rain provided us with lots of puddles to run through and jump in.  The laughter and giggles were contagious. There's nothing more fun as a kid than jumping in puddles and playing in the dirt.  We did both.  After playing in the puddles on the blacktop, we walked to our outdoor classroom for the first time.  While exploring the new area in the woods, we found worms, slugs, spiders, mushrooms and so much more.  The kids made hypotheses about why we found so many slugs, why there were lots of living creatures under the logs that we turned over, and where they went when we couldn't see them.  They made predictions about whether the slugs and other bugs would be there the next time we visited the woods and whether the slugs, worms, and other bugs liked the rain or sun better.  So much can be learned through play!

Puddle Stomping

Outdoor Classroom


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