
We've learned and observed a ton about butterflies this fall.  This may be the most successful fall I've ever had for hatching butterflies.  We've found chrysalises hanging from a bucket, from our play house, and most ironically, from the plastic caterpillar in the playground.  Sadly, we learned a little about survival as the chrysalis in the caterpillar did not make it... too many very excited children "observing" a little too close.  I learned that if a chrysalis falls from where it hangs, you can tape it from the stringy part onto something new, and it can still live and turn into a butterfly. The chrysalis that was hanging from the plastic house was falling off, so we saved it by bringing it inside and taping it to a bucket.  A week later a butterfly hatched.  It's been so fun for both students and teachers to watch the process and release the butterflies into the wild.


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