It's a Snow Day!

Who doesn't love a snow day?  Actually, let me rephrase that... what KID doesn't love a snow day?  I hope having to do remote learning doesn't ruin it for the older kids.  Hopefully they can get their school work done and still get out and play in the snow (and maybe they will appreciate not having to go to school later in June. I know I do).  The good news for the preschoolers is that our remote learning is fun!  


1. GO OUTSIDE and PLAY IN THE SNOW!  Make a snowman, throw snowballs (not at people of course😉), sled, snowshoe, or do anything else that they enjoy doing outside in the snow.  

2. Come inside, make hot chocolate, snuggle in and read books.  See if you can find a book about winter.

3. For a science experiment

    a. Bring some snow inside on a plate.  

    b. Pack half of the snow into a snowball and leave the other half unpacked.

    c. Guess which snow will melt first.

    d. Guess how long the packed and the unpacked snow will take to melt.  

    e. Draw a picture of the experiment.

    f. Have an adult write down the time it takes for the snow to melt (you will have two times: a time for the unpacked snow and a time for the packed snow) on the picture and bring the picture back to school so we can talk about it tomorrow.

Enjoy the day!

Check out some pictures from this past week.




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