Fun in the Snow

Fun in the Snow!

What looks like just playing to most of us, is actually an important learning experience for preschoolers.  While out at recess, preschoolers are leaning to interact with their peers.  This is a huge part of their development at this age.  What comes natural to many adults: joining in with a group of people, asking a friend to play, working together, taking turns, problem solving, climbing, pumping and so much more, are all skills that have to be learned through experience.  Some time between two and a half years old and four, children develop their play from parallel play to interactive play.  Children who are parallel playing may be playing near each other and may even be talking to each other, but their play is not interactive.  They aren't listening to each other and changing their play according to what the other person has said or is doing.  The shift from parallel play to interactive play is a huge developmental change and takes time and practice.  Children need to be given hours of play with their peers both inside and out in order to make this shift.



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