Meet Grandma Joan

Meet Grandma Joan

Grandma Joan, as she is widely known amongst my friends and their children (now in their teens and 20s), has been and is planning to continue volunteering in our classroom once a week.  Years ago she taught 1st grade and continues to enjoy working with young children.  She lives in the area and has raised three children of her own (me being the youngest of the three).  She is an active community member and part of the Lions Club and PEO (a women's organization that supports women's education). 


Announcements and reminders:
1. Please sign up for the field trip to Newmont Farm on Friday, October 21st.  
2. No school on October 10 - Indigenous People's Day
3. No Preschool on October 13 and 14. The preschool staff will be going to the VTAECY (preschool) conference in Burlington on both days. K-12 still has school.


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