We Love the River!

We Love the River!

What's more fun than jumping in puddles? Tossing rocks and sticks into running water is a pretty close second, and for some, it is even more fun for others.  There are always plenty of smiles to go around when we head to the river to play in the water.  For safety reasons we have very clear rules about how deep the kids can walk into the water (just above the ankles) as well as where and how they can toss rocks and sticks into the water.  Despite the strict rules that we abide by, the kids can't help but have fun.  We talk about sinking and floating, why one splash is bigger than another, why smaller rocks are easier to throw farther and so much more.  The river is always one of the highlights of the week for most of the kids.


Now that it's cold, we stay out of the water, but we still have fun tossing rocks and sticks in and seeing how big the spash is or how far we can throw the rocks.  It was cold enough this week for us to look for frost and even ice in some places.  We observed that the frost stuck to the leaves more than the rocks and it had melted where the sun had been shining for a while.  



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